This true story comes from Derek Prince. He tells it in his teaching, 'Immersed in the Holy Spirit.'
These two girls had been brought up as atheists. They found they had nothing to live for, no meaning in life, and planned to commit suicide by throwing themselves in the river.
A Baptist pastor from Leningrad was directed by the Holy Spirit to go to their home one evening. He didn't know them, and he didn't know who lived at the house, but he knocked on the door in obedience to God. When the girls let him in, he asked, 'What are you going to do?'
The girls were astonished! They were about to commit suicide and had told nobody of their plan. They were so amazed that somebody would come and ask them what they were going to do that evening that they began to talk to him. They spent the whole night talking to the pastor. None of them went to bed. By the morning, the two girls were believers in Jesus Christ.
When they went back to the aeroplane factory where they worked, people kept asking them, 'What's happened to you? Have you come into money? What's happened!' Their faces looked so different!
These two girls began to witness boldly and tell people the good news about Jesus Christ. They knew they would eventually be arrested if they remained in Russia and became determined to escape. It seemed impossible to escape from a communist country, but they knew God was leading them.
They boarded a train that went westwards to the Polish border. At the border, the train was stopped. Everybody on board was compelled to get out, and the train was searched from end to end. But these two girls stayed seated on the train. The Russian soldiers came through the train with flashlights, searching every carriage. When the soldiers reached the carriage where these two girls sat, the girls prayed, 'Lord, make them blind.'
The soldiers shone their flashlights right over them and walked straight past. The soldiers never saw them!
As those two girls sat in that carriage, they were surrounded by a supernatural presence that the guards couldn't see through, and the flashlights couldn't shine through. God protected them!
It would take a long time to tell the whole story of their journey, but they eventually reached Israel. They arrived in the middle of the siege of Jerusalem in 1948 and were without food or money.
Unsure of what they should do, they prayed, and the Lord spoke to them audibly and said, 'Go to the house of Mr Prince.'
They didn't know me, and they didn't know if I existed, but they inquired and found their way to my home. My wife met them at the door. These girls didn't speak much English or Hebrew, so it was challenging to communicate with them. But they had a Russian New Testament, so my wife sat down with an English New Testament and found all the places that spoke about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. They found the passages in the Russian New Testament.
They returned the following Wednesday, and my wife and I prayed with them from ten o'clock to four o'clock in the afternoon. The Holy Spirit fell on the younger girl, and she had an experience I've never seen equalled anywhere else. As tears streamed from her eyes, she began to worship the Lord and sing in an unknown tongue. It was not like a human voice at all! It was like a wind instrument that was being played by the Holy Spirit. She was singing something that reminded me of the music of Bach. It was beautiful!
These two girls became our friends, and we remained in contact with them for many years.