The next Monday, we were heading out of town and decided to call to get the details of the car for sale. The owner gave us all the details and said he wanted $15,000. They had bought it brand new, and currently weren't using it. The owner told us it was his wife's car, and that she never drove it in the winter and had decided to sell it as she did not use it much.
As we came home that week, I could not stop thinking about the car for sale even though we did not have $15,000 to purchase a vehicle. I decided to stop in one day and talk to the owner who suggested we take the vehicle for a test drive. Cathy was not with me, so I decided to come back with her at a later time. She was not thrilled to do this and said, "Why would we drive it and fall in love with it and not be able to buy it?"
We had to go into town that evening to get flowers for our daughter's graduation service, so I talked Cathy into just stopping and taking it for a test drive. I drove it first and decided to pull over and let Cathy drive it. She fell in love with it right away and could not believe how smooth it drove. It was a keyless car, and so when we pulled back into the owner's driveway, we were trying to figure out how to turn it off. My cell phone started ringing right at that moment. I answered and recognised the couple on the other end. They said they had been praying about it and believed God wanted them to give us $10,000. We were shocked and told them we were sitting in a car right at that moment.
We turned the car off and went inside to talk to the owner. We told him we were evangelists and that we take the gospel all over the world. The owner and his wife were also Christians. He said, "The very best we can do is sell you the car for $10,000."
We couldn't believe it! He said the exact amount of the donation that had just come in. We knew at that moment that God wanted us to have this car. God is so good.